I received a call from Bro. Sanders El this morning, and it was very good hearing from and talking to him on the phone. I’ve known Sanders El since he was maybe 16-years-old, and that’s been a long time.

Sander’s El was updating me on the status of the juvenile LWOP cases pending in the Michigan Supreme Court, and legislation that was pending to give some MDOC prisoners a second look. I was already up on most of this, but it was refreshing to talk with Sanders El.
Sanders El and I are like brothers. We met each other in W.J. Maxey Boys Training School, which was also known as BTS. We were in Sequoyah Center in the same group. I reminded Sanders El today how, when we were in BTS, we got dress shirts and ties to go sing at “the birthday lady’s church” in the community. The birthday lady would come in once a month and play the piano while we sang, and she would bring in a cake and take Polaroid pictures for anyone celebrating their birthday that month.
Sanders El is locked-up at the Kinross Correctional Facility, which is located in Chippewa County in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. It’s a long bus ride, and every MDOC prisoner who has ever been locked-up in any of the prisons the MDOC operates in the UP can relate to wondering, “What would happen to this bus if it went off the Mackinaw Bridge?” For those who don’t know, the Mackinaw Bridge is five miles long and spans the Great Lakes, and on a windy day the bridge sways noticeably.
I plan to corroborate more with Sanders El, so look forward to seeing more updates and information pertaining to #juvenilesentencing and #LWOP.